Did you do your daily assignment? Walking exercise for 30 minutes a day can make a difference in burning extra sugar, strengthening your immune system, burning fats, and lowering uric acid in your body. Of course, it doesn’t burn many calories, but it does give you a lot of benefits especially when you are obese, and you are diabetic.


Weight Loss Programs to Check

2 Weeks Diet 

Red Tea Detox


Walking for about 30 minutes can burn 90-200 calories depending on your weight and the kind of walking you are doing. Strolling rate burns lower calories while brisk walking burns higher calories. If you are obese, you can start at slower pace because there are complications that it may cause you. Gradually however, when you shed some weights and going to faster pace is already possible, you can start beating your previous pace and go faster pace.


Weight Loss Programs to Check

2 Weeks Diet 

Red Tea Detox


The main goal for today however is doing your daily assignment, walk for 30 minutes. Make it a habit and you’ll see a difference in under a month.