Hi! I’m Vince and I am diagnosed to have type 2 diabetes. But let me give you a brief history of my family and how I got this disease. My grandmother and her sister have diabetes. Among the siblings of  8, my father was the only one who has diabetes. He got it when he was 38. One of my uncles is now pre-diabetic in mid-50’s. In 2011, my twin brother was officially diagnosed to have a typed 2 diabetes. Beginning of 2012, my mother was diagnosed to be diabetic. At the beginning of January 2013, I was diagnosed to have diabetes.

It was actually a family tree of diabetic people. According to the doctor, statistically speaking one has a 90% chance to be diabetic if one of the parents is diabetic. It will be 100% chance if both parents are diabetic. Unfortunately, I can’t choose my parents nor the blood that flows through my body. But, I can do something about it.

I created this website to open up the eyes of the people who seem to lose hope after diagnosed to have diabetes. Apart from this, I also want to start an online community of diabetic people to have exchange of wisdom, ideas, tips and tricks in the fight against diabetes.

Follow me on Facebook below to get important tips in fighting diabetes.