According to the medical world, it’s still possible to reverse diabetes depending on how long you’ve had the condition, how severe the condition is and genes factor.  There is only one method to achieve this.  It’s called “healthy lifestyle.”  Reversing diabetes means going “off” medication but still continue to do activities that would keep it away.  In this article, we will discuss the activities that one must engage in order to control it, reverse it and stay away from it. reversing diabetes

Lose Weight

It is a very good idea to shed some weight along the way when you have diabetes.  This can be achieved through a good diet and exercise.  In this website, we post food and recipes that are really good for diabetic person. You can also check here to see more resources that you can readily buy and get full recipes that you can do in your homes.

WATCH: Video to reverse your diabetes

Another way to lose weight is to give up that table spoon sugar. We all know that all we eat have sugar in itself. Normally, those sugar from the natural food that we eat is already enough for the day. Therefore, giving up table spoon sugar is really a big help for your body.


Let’s expound this a little bit.  Exercising involves any activities that will move your muscles and will consume calories.  Of course going for a gym is a perfect example but a simple walk through the park will also count.  Getting up and walking in a driveway to get your mails is one way to get more engaged physically. By simply making 1-2 kilometer of walk every morning is already a enough to burn extra sugar floating in your blood and shed some weight.


Start eating healthy foods.   Not all fruits are good for a diabetics.  Some contain sugar more than the required amount so it is very important to do a bit of research before making any diet plan.

Today, there are also some super food extracts that can help supply the necessary nutrients of your body to be healthier and more ready for reversing diabetes. You can check it here.

In summary, there are 3 major activities that you need to maintain in order for a diabetic person to go off medication and to keep away from diabetes.  These are losing weight, have a regular exercise and a healthy diet.  Though there are no guarantees that this would actually reverse diabetes as if you never have it ever, studies show that there are people who actually made it out of this illness.  Please do note that these activities will only work for Type II diabetes.

WATCH: Video to reverse your diabetes