Functional Fitness Diabetes exercises use things that are usually found at home and can be used as equipment for work out. The best example of this is a panty hose. Hold the panty hose on both ends, step on the middle and pull it upward just like you are doing dumbbells. Put the middle at the back then push both ends forward and you got yourself a bench press type of exercise. If you want to put a little weight on it, you can utilize some gallons filled with water. You can add some cha-cha and other dance steps using these equipments.

Functional Fitness DiabetesAiring to over 45 million on Public Television, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews is about improving your health in seated or standing levels with doctor recommended Functional Fitness DVDs. We put the fun in Functional Fitness! Stop Diabetes now!


Weight Loss Programs to Check

2 Weeks Diet 

Red Tea Detox


Suzanne Andrews, Occupational Therapy Practitioner with over 25 years of therapeutic exercise education experience, guides you with this fun, easy to follow 25 minute workout that boosts circulation and helps decrease diabetes complications. You choose your level either seated or standing and progress safely at your own pace. Take the steps NOW and choose the path to prevention!