It’s quite bothering to see the stats over diabetes cases have quadrupled since 1980. This tells us that the campaign against diabetes for the past 30 years is not at all effective. People has to know that they can avoid diabetes by simply following a good diet, being physically active and avoiding the consumption of too much sugar.
Check: Try to reverse your diabetes
“The first WHO Global report on diabetes demonstrates that the number of adults living with diabetes has almost quadrupled since 1980 to 422 million adults. This dramatic rise is largely due to the rise in type 2 diabetes and factors driving it include overweight and obesity.
In 2012 alone diabetes caused 1.5 million deaths. Its complications can lead to heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and lower limb amputation.
The new report calls upon governments to ensure that people are able to make healthy choices and that health systems are able to diagnose, treat and care for people with diabetes. It encourages us all as individuals to eat healthily, be physically active, and avoid excessive weight gain.”
Source: WHO

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Diabetes is a silent killer, but we can fight it. We can work it out and we can avoid getting one. For those who already have diabetes, don’t worry. It’s not the end of the world, but we need to adjust our lifestyle, a lifestyle that can give us time and in some cases even reverse it.
Check: Try to reverse your diabetes
So do yourself a favor, stop consuming pure sugar. Instead go for healthy diet. If you have a dietitian that you can consult with, the better. The point is, you will want to consume healthy food, you will want to consume what can help your body to recover whatever you may have lost because of diabetes.
In addition, be a little active than you are right now. It is very important that you set a time to push yourself some things that accomplish. Don’t let yourself live a sedentary life. Scheduling a one hour walk three times a week is already a good start. It’s not too much, but it definitely can help you burn those extra sugar in your body thus, lowering your blood sugar level.
If your doctor has prescribed you for some medicines, be obedient and religiously follow it. However, I must tell you that prolonged use of commercial medicines may not also produce advantageous effect so you have to put in your mind that doing these three things is the main key and in some cases can even reverse your diabetes.
Check: Try to reverse your diabetes
This is also the reason why I always encourage people to use food supplements as well. Good food supplements can definitely help your body to cope up and get rid of free radicals within your body that also attributes to bad health.