Welcome to Officially Diabetic.
You are here because you are now “officially diabetic” or perhaps you have been diabetic for a while and is looking for a way to fill in the gap and seek something that you can do to take control of your blood sugar.
Well, you are not alone. We can journey together in this bitter sweet journey. Nonetheless, life is beautiful and we intend to make it better.

Herb Roasted Turkey for Diabetics
Thanksgiving day is fast approaching. Turkey, Salad and other recipes are being prepared. So what’s good for diabetic people on this holiday? Here’s Herb Roasted Turkey recipe which is recommended by Diabetes.org. This Recipe Serves 12 Prep Time: 25 minutes; Cook...
Diabetes Cases Almost Quadrupled Since 1980
It's quite bothering to see the stats over diabetes cases have quadrupled since 1980. This tells us that the campaign against diabetes for the past 30 years is not at all effective. People has to know that they can avoid diabetes by simply following a good diet, being...
Sugar and Heart Disease: Discussing the Cholesterol Myth
Dr. Stephen Sinatra a well respected cardiologist and author of Cholesterol Myth discusses about Cholesterol and Heart disease. According to him, Cholesterol is not the number one perpetrator of most heart disease. In fact, only a small percentage of...
How to Measure Sugar Content in Your Food
In this video, Elsa Jones, a Nutritional Therapist and author discusses about how to measure sugar content in your food. By understanding the sugar content of the food we eat, we can therefore have an effective control on the sugar levels in our body. Share your...
I’m Close To Reverse my Diabetes
Just this morning, I had my latest HbA1C test. The result was shocking, my blood sugar level is completely normal. I was actually expecting to be a little higher than 7. I was more than happy to see that my blood sugar level finally dropped and now maintained in a...
Smoking and Diabetes
Today let's talk about smoking and diabetes. There are millions of people who smoke and millions of people dies because of smoking. Here’s some statistical facts about smoking according to WHO: Key facts Tobacco kills up to half of its users. Tobacco kills around 6...